Nouveaux directeurs et nouvelles visions chez Audience Serv

  • Oliver Schmieder remplace David Pikart en tant que Co-PDG, Ilja de Boer est nommé directeur des recettes chez Audience Serv. Avec ces changements, l'équipe de direction d'Audience Serv GmbH ouvre la voie à l'avenir.

Berlin, le 29 novembre 2022.

Après 14 années de succès, le fondateur et co-PDG d'Audience Serv, David Pikart, se retire et cède la direction à Oliver Schmieder. En outre, Ilja de Boer est nommé directeur des recettes. Avec ces changements, l'équipe de direction se compose désormais de quatre personnes motivées et tournées vers l'avenir : Daniele Sampaolesi en tant que Co-PDG ; Oliver Schmieder en tant que Co-PDG ; Carlo Biondo en tant que directeur des opérations, et Ilja de Boer en tant que directeur des recettes.

Après un peu plus de quatorze ans, le fondateur David Pikart se retire de l'entreprise. Depuis 2008, il a occupé le poste de PDG puis de co-PDG et était principalement responsable des fonctions financières, RH et marketing de l'entreprise. "Quitter Audience Serv a été une décision importante et difficile pour moi. Je repense à 14 années merveilleuses au cours desquelles nous avons créé une équipe et une culture fantastiques. Au fil des ans, nous avons relevé de nombreux défis, travaillé sur de nouveaux secteurs d'activité et nous avons toujours été poussés à affiner nos solutions et à en trouver de nouvelles innovantes. Je suis très fier que nous ayons connu une croissance organique et régulière pour devenir l'entreprise que nous sommes aujourd'hui. Mais je pense qu'il est temps d'entamer un nouveau chapitre de l'histoire de l'entreprise, qui exige de nouvelles stratégies, de nouvelles approches et une nouvelle vision. Je suis donc heureux de céder ma place à Oliver et je souhaite à Audience Serv le meilleur pour l'avenir", déclare David Pikart, fondateur et ancien co-PDG d'Audience Serv.

Audience Serv définit une nouvelle vision pour le chapitre suivant

Avec les changements au niveau de la direction, Audience Serv se positionne fortement pour l'avenir afin de se préparer aux conditions de marché en constante évolution. L'objectif est de continuer à offrir aux clients et partenaires des solutions adaptées pour acquérir de nouveaux clients et générer des leads, tout en créant des solutions encore plus efficaces et axés sur les données.

L'acquisition d'Emailbidding par Audience Serv en janvier 2022 a déjà posé les bases d'un réalignement. Audience Serv a pour objectif de faire passer le secteur de l'email marketing à la vitesse supérieure grâce à des solutions révolutionnaires et qui permettent aux annonceurs de cibler plus précisément leur public idéal, d'augmenter leur retour sur investissement et de gagner de nouveaux clients.

Le nouveau co-directeur général d'Audience Serv, Oliver Schmieder, travaille dans le domaine de l'email marketing depuis 2012. Il a plus de 10 ans d'expérience à des postes de direction dans des entreprises comptant jusqu'à 100 employés, dont 4 ans à la direction commerciale et 6 ans en tant que directeur général. Son engagement en tant que chef d'équipe et sa croyance en la collaboration fructueuse de l'intelligence artificielle et humaine ont été déterminants pour sa nomination en tant que Co-PDG. Fort de toute son expérience en matière de gestion et de son master d'études avancées en management et leadership, il mènera l'entreprise vers le prochain chapitre et envisagera de nouveaux grands projets et domaines d'intérêt stratégique.

Il y a également une autre grande nouvelle : Ilja de Boer a été nommée directeur des recettes chez Audience Serv. Ilja de Boer fait partie d'Audience Serv depuis 2019 et est désormais responsable de tous les projets et départements qui ont un impact direct sur les ventes de l'entreprise afin d'assurer la croissance continue d'Audience Serv et de son portefeuille client.

"Nous souhaitons à David Pikart le meilleur pour l'avenir et nous lui sommes reconnaissants pour son excellent travail", déclare Daniele Sampaolesi, co-PDG d'Audience Serv. "Il est très difficile de se séparer d'une personne aussi importante et formatrice que David Pikart. En même temps, nous sommes heureux qu'Oliver et Ilja fassent partie de la direction d'Audience Serv avec leurs années d'expérience et d'expertise. Leur importance pour nous est cruciale, car la société est sur le point d'entrer dans la prochaine grande phase de croissance."

À propos d’Audience Serv
Audience Serv est un spécialiste international de l'acquisition clients avec des bureaux à Berlin, Munich, Barcelone, Porto, Singapour et Hanoi. Fondée par David Pikart en 2008, la société dispose d'une équipe expérimentée et enthousiaste de plus de 100 experts dans le monde. En utilisant des techniques d'apprentissage automatique et d'intelligence artificielle, Audience Serv exécute des campagnes en ligne très ciblées via différents leviers marketing. Audience Serv s'est donné pour mission de toujours dépasser les attentes de ses clients en termes de qualité de service et de performance de campagne.
Plus d'information:

Contact de Presse
Elisabeth Pester
Global Marketing Manager
Audience Serv GmbH
Tel. +49 30 467 2401-0

Audience Serv did it again and won the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Award for the 3rd time in a row!

Berlin, Germany, November 14th, 2022.

Audience Serv has again won the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Award - this time for the third year in a row. With the award, Deloitte honors the 50 fastest growing technology companies. 50 companies are selected for the renowned ranking based on percentage sales growth over the past four financial years. This time Audience Serv ranks 50.

The continued growth of Audience Serv is a direct result of its innovative solutions for acquiring new customers and generating leads. With new platforms for vertical based lead generation such as The Advisr, the international specialist for new customer acquisition launched another owned and operated platform for generating highly qualified hot leads this year. With self-operated online portals, Audience Serv brings together the targeted demand for offers from end consumers and the appropriate offers from advertisers. The Advisr is currently active in several European countries such as Spain, France and the UK, but expansion into other markets is also planned.

Other factors in this development were the increasing number of customers on the European market due to good sales strategies and the excellent performance of Audience Serv's innovative products in the DACH region. The human resources department also contributed to the significant growth of the company by hiring new talents with high professional competence and remarkable commitment.

The third Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Award in a row gives reason to believe in the decisions made and to stay in this course. Daniele Sampaolesi, co-founder and CEO of Audience Serv, conceives the award as "the result of hard work and the courage to constantly innovate. The importance of having a clear vision of the future and being open to change are crucial in performance marketing. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the entire team for their commitment and flexibility. This award honors us all.”

An overview of all Technology Fast 50 Award 2022 winners can be found here.

About Deloitte
Deloitte is a leading global provider of audit and assurance, consulting, financial advisory, risk advisory, tax, and related services. With 175 years of hard work and commitment to making a real difference, our organization has grown in scale and diversity—approximately 334,000 people in 150 countries and territories, providing these services—yet our shared culture remains the same. Our organization serves four out of five Fortune Global 500® companies.

About Audience Serv
Audience Serv is an international customer acquisition specialist with offices in Berlin, Munich, Barcelona, Porto, Singapore, and Hanoi. Founded in 2008, the company has an experienced and enthusiastic team of more than 100 Audience Experts globally, who are working on developing the perfect method for target group segmentation. Using techniques from machine learning and artificial intelligence, Audience Serv runs highly targeted online campaigns across multiple marketing channels. The company made it their mission to consistently exceed client expectations in terms of both service levels and campaign outcomes.
More information:

Press contact
Grégory Armansin
Marketing Manager
Audience Serv GmbH
Tel. +49 30 467 2401-0

Le nouveau portail appartenant et géré par Audience Serv pour la génération de leads "vertical based" est en plein essor

Berlin, le 3 novembre 2022.

Audience Serv, le spécialiste international de l'acquisition de nouveaux clients, lance une nouvelle solution innovante pour ses clients : La génération de leads "vertical based".

Le portail qu’Audience Serv exploite, appelé The Avidsr, permet à ses utilisateurs d'obtenir les meilleures offres de divers secteurs - tels que l'énergie, la finance, les télécommunications ou les assurances.

Avantages pour les annonceurs et fonctionnement

Grâce à des portails en ligne autogérés, Audience Serv réunit la demande d'offres ciblées des consommateurs finaux et les offres appropriées des annonceurs. Après avoir saisi certaines données client, qui sont vérifiées et mises en correspondance avec les besoins des annonceurs, les utilisateurs reçoivent les offres les plus pertinentes. Les annonceurs bénéficient de leads avec un taux de conversion élevé. Le portail étant géré par Audience Serv lui-même, il n'y a pas de travail supplémentaire à réaliser pour les annonceurs.

D'autres avantages sont que les prospects de haute qualité sont générés à partir de sources de trafic multiples et sont déjà préqualifiés en fonction de certains critères. Comme ces leads sont informés directement des nouvelles offres, le retour sur investissement pour les annonceurs est d'autant plus élevé, ce qui permet d'obtenir le taux de conversion le plus élevé possible avec le moins d'efforts possible.

En outre, Audience Serv fournit des rapports et des tableaux de bord en temps réel pour tout cela. Une intégration simple de toutes les données dans les plates-formes CRM via API permet également d'obtenir une vue d'ensemble encore meilleure.

Toutes les données sont collectées sur les portails d'Audience Serv en conformité avec le RGPD et l'opt-in explicite pour l'utilisation par des tiers.

Origine et perspectives

Mauro Ferreira, Business Development Manager chez Audience Serv, est responsable de la planification, de la mise en œuvre et de l'optimisation ultérieure de ce projet prometteur. Selon lui, The Advisr a un énorme potentiel d'avenir : "La convivialité devient de plus en plus importante. Nous allons donc étendre le portail à de plus en plus de domaines afin de pouvoir offrir aux utilisateurs un maximum d'informations en un seul endroit. Notre priorité absolue est que The Advisr assure le plus haut niveau de confiance pour toutes les parties concernées. Les relations de confiance avec les annonceurs et les utilisateurs sont clairement au premier plan ici."

The Advisr est actuellement actif dans plusieurs pays européens tels que l'Espagne, la France et le Royaume-Uni. Une expansion sur d'autres marchés est également prévue. "Grâce à la convivialité, à notre savoir-faire et à de nombreux autres avantages, le nombre d'annonceurs et d'utilisateurs va augmenter de manière significative", prédit Mauro Ferreira.

La génération de leads "vertical based" est donc une autre solution innovante d'Audience Serv pour la gagner des nouveaux prospects, en plus des solutions standard, premium et exclusives.

À propos d’Audience Serv
Audience Serv est un spécialiste international de l'acquisition clients avec des bureaux à Berlin, Munich, Barcelone, Porto, Singapour et Hanoi. Fondée par David Pikart en 2008, la société dispose d'une équipe expérimentée et enthousiaste de plus de 100 experts dans le monde. En utilisant des techniques d'apprentissage automatique et d'intelligence artificielle, Audience Serv exécute des campagnes en ligne très ciblées via différents leviers marketing. Audience Serv s'est donné pour mission de toujours dépasser les attentes de ses clients en termes de qualité de service et de performance de campagne.
Plus d'information:

Contact de Presse
Elisabeth Pester
Global Marketing Manager
Audience Serv GmbH
Tel. +49 30 467 2401-0

Audience Serv honored as FOCUS growth champion 2023!

Berlin, Germany, October 24th, 2022.

Audience Serv, the international specialist for customer acquisition, has been listed again as one of Germany's fastest growing companies by FOCUS Business in cooperation with the market research institute Statista.

The prestigious annual ranking by FOCUS Business lists 500 German companies with particularly high revenue growth, awarding them at the same time as growth champions. In the 2023 ranking, Audience Serv ranked 14th in the advertising, marketing & media industry, which is remarkable as only 26 companies in this branch of industry made the top 500.

Already in the last year, Audience Serv was honored as one of the growth champions by Focus Business. This second award in a row is the result of several innovative direct marketing solutions, reliable services and high-quality data.

"This award makes us very proud and at the same time it recognizes the ambitions of the entire team," says Daniele Sampaolesi, Co-CEO and Co-Founder. "With our intelligent proprietary algorithms and programmatic techniques, we keep getting better at what we do and thanks to all of our loyal customers we can grow even further together with them."

To determine the growth champions 2023, 12,000 companies with significant employee or sales growth were filtered out of around two million companies entered in the commercial register. The participating companies disclosed their certified sales development for the years 2018 to 2021 and an average annual growth rate was calculated. At the end, the 500 fastest-growing companies are listed as ‘growth champions 2023’.

Find further information on the methodology at:

The full list of the growth champions 2023 can be found here:

About Audience Serv
Audience Serv is an international customer acquisition specialist with offices in Berlin, Munich, Barcelona, Porto, Singapore, and Hanoi. Founded in 2008, the company has an experienced and enthusiastic team of more than 90 Audience Experts globally, who are working on developing the perfect method for target group segmentation. Using techniques from machine learning and artificial intelligence, Audience Serv runs highly targeted online campaigns across multiple marketing channels. The company made it their mission to consistently exceed client expectations in terms of both service levels and campaign outcomes.
More information:

Press contact
Grégory Armansin
Marketing Manager
Audience Serv GmbH
Tel. +49 30 46 7 2401-0

FT1000 : Financial Times nomme Audience Serv comme l'une des entreprises européennes à la croissance la plus rapide

  • Le spécialiste international de l'acquisition de clients Audience Serv a fait son entrée dans le classement FT1000 du Financial Times, une liste des entreprises à la croissance la plus rapide en Europe.

Berlin, le 2 mars 2022.

Le 1er mars 2022, la 6e édition du "FT1000 - Europe's Fastest Growing Companies 2022" a été publiée par le Financial Times en coopération avec Statista. Ce classement de premier ordre récompense les entreprises européennes qui ont enregistré une croissance exceptionnelle de leur chiffre d'affaires entre 2017 et 2020. Avec un taux de croissance de 339,50 %, Audience Serv se classe à la 466e place.

Le prix FT1000 récompense une année 2020 incroyablement réussie pour Audience Serv. L'entreprise n'a pas seulement connu une croissance organique de son chiffre d'affaires, mais aussi de son nombre d'employés, de sa clientèle et de son portefeuille de solutions. Audience Serv a également de grands projets pour l'avenir. Avec l'acquisition récente de la Marketplace d'email marketing Emailbidding, Audience Serv se développe sur de nouveaux marchés et prévoit de transformer l'industrie de l'email marketing. La plateforme très sophistiquée d'Emailbidding met en relation annonceurs et éditeurs, simplifie l'acquisition de nouveaux clients par email et promet un retour sur investissement élevé.

"Nous sommes incroyablement fiers d'être reconnus dans une liste aussi compétitive. Pour nous, ce prix représente à la fois un succès et une motivation et souligne notre force en tant que spécialiste de l'acquisition de nouveaux clients. Notre proposition de valeur solide et nos technologies uniques nous permettent de nous différencier de nos concurrents du secteur. En tirant parti de nos algorithmes innovants, nous permettons aux spécialistes du marketing d'adapter leur stratégie d'acquisition de clients et de toucher la bonne audience", a commenté David Pikart, cofondateur et co-PDG d'Audience Serv.

Le classement du FT 1000 a été créé au cours d'un processus complexe en collaboration avec l'institut de recherche allemand Statista. La liste met en avant les entreprises européennes qui ont atteint le taux de croissance annuel composé du chiffre d'affaires le plus élevé entre 2017 et 2020. Le taux de croissance annuel composé (TCAC) requis pour être reconnu était de 36,5 %.

Le classement est disponible dans l'édition imprimée du Financial Times (21 mars 2022) dans le cadre d'un rapport spécial intitulé "FT1000 : Europe's Fastest-Growing Companies". La liste complète du FT1000 et de plus amples informations sur le classement sont également disponibles en ligne à l'adresse suivante :

À propos d’Audience Serv
Audience Serv est un spécialiste international de l'acquisition clients avec des bureaux à Berlin, Munich, Barcelone, Porto, Singapour et Hanoi. Fondée par David Pikart en 2008, la société dispose d'une équipe expérimentée et enthousiaste de plus de 90 experts dans le monde. En utilisant des techniques d'apprentissage automatique et d'intelligence artificielle, Audience Serv exécute des campagnes en ligne très ciblées via différents leviers marketing. Audience Serv s'est donné pour mission de toujours dépasser les attentes de ses clients en termes de qualité de service et de performance de campagne.
Plus d'information:

Contact de Presse
Elisabeth Pester
Global Marketing Manager
Audience Serv GmbH
Tel. +49 30 467 2401-0

Audience Serv acquiert Emailbidding

Berlin, le 25 janvier 2022.

Audience Serv, spécialiste international de l'acquisition de clients et de la génération de leads, poursuit son expansion internationale avec l'acquisition d'Emailbidding, une marketplace d'email marketing basé à Porto, Portugal. Grâce à un algorithme de pointe, la plateforme d'email marketing fournit les meilleurs résultats pour ses clients. Emailbidding a été créé et développé au sein d’Impacting Group, qui est une société holding d'entreprises du numérique. L'acquisition rassemble plus de 21 ans d'expérience, des collaborations mondiales et plus de 130 millions d'abonnés.

Depuis 2012, Emailbidding propose une plateforme web en libre-service qui permet aux annonceurs et aux agences d'acquérir de nouveaux clients via email. La plateforme offre un service en libre-service mais aussi un service géré avec un contrôle total sur ses propres campagnes. En outre, celle-ci évite la duplication des utilisateurs, ce qui rend les campagnes d'email marketing beaucoup plus efficaces et améliore la réputation marque. Ces deux aspects sont primordiaux lorsque vous travaillez avec plusieurs éditeurs. En raison des approches de solution similaires d'Audience Serv et d'Emailbidding, les synergies de l'acquisition promettent un grand potentiel de croissance commerciale supplémentaire. L'équipe d'Emailbidding restera en place.

Emailbidding révolutionne l'email marketing

L‘efficace plateforme Emailbidding révolutionne l'email marketing. Les annonceurs peuvent mettre en place par eux-mêmes des campagnes d'emailing et les envoyer à leur public cible idéal via un réseau d'éditeurs vérifiés. Avec un contrôle total sur le budget, le public cible, la période de la campagne, etc., les campagnes sont automatiquement optimisées. Dans le cadre du service géré, des gestionnaires de campagne expérimentés s'occuperont de la mise en place de toutes les campagnes, de la création de modèles HTML et de l'optimisation des campagnes au quotidien afin d'atteindre et de dépasser les objectifs des clients.

En outre, la plateforme convainc par ses rapports puissants et ses algorithmes sophistiqués. Les utilisateurs sont analysés en fonction de leurs caractéristiques et de leur comportement. Un processus de correspondance automatique attribue les campagnes les plus pertinentes à chaque utilisateur. Sur la base d'un "modèle d'enchères", les campagnes pour le même groupe cible sont en concurrence les unes avec les autres. La campagne avec l'enchère la plus haute et la plus pertinente pour l'utilisateur, fixée par l'annonceur, gagne une position plus élevée dans la compétition et a un accès préférentiel aux audiences. Les campagnes d'emailing qui ont été envoyées avec Emailbidding montrent des taux de clics 4 fois plus élevés par rapport aux techniques d'envoi et de ciblage d'email marketing conventionnelles et techniques de ciblage. Des analyses en temps réel permettent de suivre de près les performances de campagne et de les optimiser si nécessaire. Cette approche unique garantit un retour sur investissement élevé pour les annonceurs et les éditeurs.

"Nous sommes heureux d'accueillir Emailbidding et son équipe dans la famille Audience Serv. La plateforme et les experts d'Emailbidding complètent nos solutions et élargissent notre éventail de services pour nos clients", a déclaré David Pikart, co-fondateur et co-directeur général d'Audience Serv. "La plateforme fournit une solution d'email marketing évolutive. Audience Serv et Emailbidding s'efforcent de rendre l'acquisition de clients B2C par email aussi facile et efficace que possible. Nous sommes donc très heureux d’opérer notre plateforme innovante d'email marketing avec la puissance et le soutien d'Audience Serv. C'est formidable de faire partie du groupe Audience Serv." poursuit Ana Cunha, PDG d'Emailbidding. "Nous sommes convaincus que les intentions qu'Audience Serv a pour Emailbidding, lui permettront d'atteindre une pertinence mondiale dans la transformation de l'industrie de l'email marketing, tel qu'il a été conçu depuis le début", conclut Nuno Morais, associé directeur d'Impacting.

De plus amples informations sur Emailbidding sont disponibles sur

À propos d’Audience Serv
Audience Serv est un spécialiste international de l'acquisition clients avec des bureaux à Berlin, Munich, Barcelone, Porto, Singapour et Hanoi. Fondée par David Pikart en 2008, la société dispose d'une équipe expérimentée et enthousiaste de plus de 90 experts dans le monde. En utilisant des techniques d'apprentissage automatique et d'intelligence artificielle, Audience Serv exécute des campagnes en ligne très ciblées via différents leviers marketing. Audience Serv s'est donné pour mission de toujours dépasser les attentes de ses clients en termes de qualité de service et de performance de campagne.
Plus d'information:

Contact de Presse
Elisabeth Pester
Global Marketing Manager
Audience Serv GmbH
Tel. +49 30 467 2401-0

Audience Serv again wins Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Award

  • Audience Serv is once again one of Germany's fastest growing technology companies of the year.

Berlin, Germany, November 19th, 2021.

Audience Serv has won the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Award, making it Deloitte's prestigious ranking for the second year in a row. With the award, Deloitte honors the 50 growth champions of the tech industry, based on their percentage revenue growth over the past four fiscal years. Audience Serv ranks 36th in the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 2021.

A key factor in this success was the LiveSend technology developed in-house. This innovative email marketing solution enables highly personalized email campaigns to be sent to the right target group. With a programmatic advertising technique, the algorithm analyzes more than 100 user characteristics to segment the ideal recipients for email campaigns. This approach achieves outstanding open rates and click-through rates, outperforming traditional email marketing results and increasing the efficiency of marketing campaigns. Thanks to LiveSend, companies can make the best use of their budget and increase their marketing ROI.

David Pikart and Daniele Sampaolesi, both founders and CEOs of Audience Serv, see the renewed ranking in the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 as a great honor: "The fact, that we are among the top 50 technology companies in Germany for the second time in a row once again confirms our philosophy and vision. Performance marketing is constantly evolving and continuously asking for new, innovative solutions that drive the digital world forward. We are very proud that we can contribute to this progress with our unique, data-driven algorithm LiveSend and help marketing decision makers reach their goals more effectively and faster."

The great importance of digital progress is also emphasized by Dr. Andreas Gentner, Partner and Industry Lead Technology, Media and Telecommunications at Deloitte: "While digital technologies were still a nice-to-have a few years ago, the picture is now very different: it is now impossible to imagine a majority of companies without digital technologies, because they make companies fit for the future and provide them with innovative means to successfully meet the challenges of our time."

An overview of all Technology Fast 50 Award 2021 winners can be find here.

About Deloitte
Deloitte is a leading global provider of audit and assurance, consulting, financial advisory, risk advisory, tax, and related services. With 175 years of hard work and commitment to making a real difference, our organization has grown in scale and diversity—approximately 334,000 people in 150 countries and territories, providing these services—yet our shared culture remains the same. Our organization serves four out of five Fortune Global 500® companies.

About Audience Serv
Audience Serv is an international customer acquisition specialist with offices in Berlin, Munich, Barcelona, Singapore, and Hanoi. Founded in 2008, the company has an experienced and enthusiastic team of more than 90 Audience Experts globally, who are working on developing the perfect method for target group segmentation. Using techniques from machine learning and artificial intelligence, Audience Serv runs highly targeted online campaigns across multiple marketing channels. The company made it their mission to consistently exceed client expectations in terms of both service levels and campaign outcomes.
More information:

Press contact
Elisabeth Pester
Global Marketing Manager
Audience Serv GmbH
Tel. +49 30 467 2401-0

Audience Serv honored as FOCUS growth champion 2022

Berlin, Germany, October 22nd, 2021.

Berlin, Germany, October 22nd, 2021— Audience Serv has been named growth champion 2022 by FOCUS Business and the market research institute Statista. The customer acquisition specialist, who more than quadrupled its revenue in the period from 2017 to 2020, ranks fourth place in the area of advertising, marketing, and media.

Together with the market research institute Statista GmbH, FOCUS Business annually awards 500 German companies with particularly high revenue growth as growth champions. Only 16 companies from the fields of advertising, marketing, and media are among the top 500 companies with the highest turnover this year.

The continued dynamic growth has been driven by innovative direct marketing solutions, reliable services, and high-quality data. Based on that, Audience Serv has successfully supported marketing decision-makers in acquiring new customers and generating leads since 2008.

Daniele Sampaolesi, Co-CEO and Co-founder of Audience Serv: “We are proud of the award and we owe the steady growth in particular to our loyal customers and our dedicated team. The last two years have been a great challenge for all of us, but they also brought many opportunities. So it makes us even more proud that we were able to maintain and even increase our sales significantly."

This is how FOCUS determined the growth champions 2022: To determine the growth champions 2022, the 15,000 companies with the highest turnover were invited to participate from around 2 million companies registered in the commercial register. For all 1,655 participating companies, an average annual growth rate was calculated from the certified sales from 2017 and 2020. The 500 fastest-growing companies were named growth champions 2022.

Find further information on the methodology at:

The full list of the growth champions 2022 can be found here:

About Audience Serv
Audience Serv is an International customer acquisition specialist with offices in Berlin, Munich, Barcelona, Singapore, and Hanoi. Founded in 2008, the company has an experienced and enthusiastic team of more than 90 Audience Experts globally, who are working on developing the perfect method for target group segmentation. Using techniques from machine learning and artificial intelligence, Audience Serv runs highly targeted online campaigns across multiple marketing channels. The company made it their mission to consistently exceed client expectations in terms of both service levels and campaign outcomes.
Further information:

Press contact
Elisabeth Pester
Global Marketing Manager
Audience Serv GmbH
Tel. +49 30 467 2401-0

Audience Serv appoints new VP Monetization

  • Jamie Dinh appointed as new VP Monetization at Audience Serv

Berlin, August 12, 2021.

Audience Serv, an international targeting specialist, announced the appointment of Jamie Dinh as Vice President Monetization. In her new role, Jamie Dinh is responsible for the management of large scale email marketing strategies for different markets. Besides, she will be in charge of the measurement and optimization of campaign performances. With this new position, Audience Serv aims to drive execution and business results. Jamie Dinh reports to Carlo Biondo, COO of Audience Serv.

“Jamie has contributed a lot to our success at Audience Serv over the past few years. With her expertise, her reliability and her excellent leadership skills, she has helped us to optimally use and monetize extensive data pools. We are very happy to have Jamie in our top management and we look forward to keep growing with her thoughtful input. " Says Carlo Biondo, COO of Audience Serv.

Jamie Dinh has been with Audience Serv since 2017. While she joined as Sales Manager, she later oversaw the international team of campaign and account managers as Head of International AMs and CMs. With her insight from different markets and her effective collaboration with other departments she identified new opportunities and developed new Go-to-Market strategies. As Head of International AMs and CMs, Jamie was responsible for the international market. With her promotion to VP Monetization she now is also in charge for the DACH market. Jamie Dinh before worked as International Sales Team Leader at ExperTrans Europe.

About Audience Serv
Audience Serv is an International customer acquisition specialist with offices in Berlin, Munich, Barcelona, Singapore, and Hanoi. Founded in 2008, the company has an experienced and enthusiastic team of more than 90 Audience Experts globally, who are working on developing the perfect method for target group segmentation. Using techniques from machine learning and artificial intelligence, Audience Serv runs highly targeted online campaigns across multiple marketing channels. The company made it their mission to consistently exceed client expectations in terms of both service levels and campaign outcomes.
Further information:

Press contact
Elisabeth Pester
Global Marketing Manager
Audience Serv GmbH
Tel. +49 30 467 2401-0

Audience Serv annonce un nouveau Senior Vice President Global Sales.

  • Ilja de Boer est nommée Senior Vice President Global Sales

Berlin, le 5 Mai 2021.

Audience Serv annonce la nomination d'Ilja de Boer au poste de Senior Vice President Global Sales. Dans son nouveau rôle, Ilja coordonnera les efforts de vente de la société au niveau mondial et explorera de nouvelles opportunités pour stimuler la croissance d'Audience Serv.

Auparavant vice-présidente EMEA chez Audience Serv, Ilja de Boer sera dès à présent responsable du développement et de l'exécution de stratégies pour atteindre les objectifs de revenus mondiaux dans des secteurs d'activité variés. Ilja de Boer a rejoint l'entreprise en 2019 et possède plus de deux décennies d'expérience dans le domaine du marketing commercial. L'équipe de direction est complétée par David Pikart (co-fondateur et co-PDG), Daniele Sampaolesi (co-fondateur et co-PDG) et Carlo Biondo (co-fondateur et COO).

« Ilja a démontré une aptitude impressionnante à prendre les bonnes initiatives et mener une équipe de vente très performante au cours des dernières années. Nous sommes ravis de l'avoir dans notre équipe à ce poste » a déclaré Daniele Sampaolesi, co-fondateur et co-PDG d'Audience Serv. « Il incarne la mission de l'entreprise et nous sommes convaincus que nous pouvons encore renforcer notre présence en tant que spécialiste de l'acquisition client avec sa contribution en tant que Senior Vice President Global Sales.

« Audience Serv est un des leaders en email marketing en Europe et je suis fier de faire partie de l'entreprise. Notre croissance continue montre la demande constante de trafic de qualité et souligne la capacité de notre équipe à mettre en oeuvre des campagnes réussies pour nos clients. Je suis ravi de pouvoir développer notre portefeuille clients et de travailler sur de nouveaux projets et stratégies », a déclaré Ilja de Boer.

Ilja de Boer a débuté sa carrière professionnelle en 2010 en tant que responsable commercial chez DM Media aux Pays-Bas. Au cours des années suivantes, il a occupé plusieurs postes à responsabilité dans la vente et le marketing. Ilja de Boer est titulaire d'un diplôme en gestion d'entreprise obtenu à l'Université des sciences appliquées d'Amsterdam, aux Pays-Bas.

À propos d'Audience Serv
Audience Serv est un spécialiste international de l'acquisition clients avec des bureaux à Berlin, Munich, Barcelone, Singapour et Hanoi. Fondée par David Pikart en 2008, la société dispose d'une équipe expérimentée et enthousiaste de plus de 90 experts dans le monde. En utilisant des techniques d'apprentissage automatique et d'intelligence artificielle, Audience Serv exécute des campagnes en ligne très ciblées via différents leviers marketing. Audience Serv s'est donné pour mission de toujours dépasser les attentes de ses clients en termes de qualité de service et de performance de campagne.
Plus d’information :

Contact de Presse
Elisabeth Pester
Global Marketing Manager
Audience Serv GmbH
Tel. +49 30 467 2401-0

Audience Serv launches new performance network “Karma Performance Network”

Berlin, April 19, 2021.

The customer acquisition specialist Audience Serv has launched its new performance marketing network “Karma Performance Network”. Building on a strong reputation as a direct marketing publisher, Audience Serv initiated its new affiliate network to enable publishers and advertisers to expand their business with a new platform.

“Over the past years, we formed a big network with business partners and brands. With Karma Performance Network we aim to connect those two parties to help them to drive growth goals and capabilities. Bringing verified traffic sources and high-converting campaigns together is a win-win for everyone.” Says Carlo Biondo, COO at Audience Serv.

Data-driven Marketing Campaigns
KPN leverages state-of-the-art technologies and tracking solutions to make data-based marketing decisions easier and promotions more effective. The performance-based model offers a low-risk and sustainable approach assuring transparent and optimized payments. Real-time reporting enables users to track campaign performances and refine campaigns immediately.

The affiliate network gives exclusive access to data sources worldwide. llja de Boer, SVP Sales Global Sales at Audience Serv, comments “Currently Karma Performance Network offers a global reach of more than 300 Mio users and we expect to grow even further. The network enables companies of each vertical to scale campaigns globally and drive sales.”

Network of trusted partners
As a targeting specialist, Audience Serv pays great attention to compliance and high-quality data. Affiliates adhere to strict compliance guidelines and are verified by Audience Serv itself. “To run successful campaigns, qualified traffic sources are essential. Therefore, we only work with reputable partners to guarantee the best outcome and high-quality leads for our advertisers. Our goal is to provide an extensive but qualified network.” comments Daniele Sampaolesi, Co-Founder & Co-CEO at Audience Serv.

Establishing Karma Performance Network is another step in the company's mission to help brands reach the ideal target group and to realize their marketing goals. The affiliate network will play an impactful role in making highly-targeted marketing campaigns even more accessible.

Karma Performance Network is open for applications. You can find more information at

About Audience Serv
Audience Serv is an International customer acquisition specialist with offices in Berlin, Munich, Barcelona, Singapore, and Hanoi. Founded in 2008, the company has an experienced and enthusiastic team of more than 90 Audience Experts globally, who are working on developing the perfect method for target group segmentation. Using techniques from machine learning and artificial intelligence, Audience Serv runs highly targeted online campaigns across multiple marketing channels. The company made it their mission to consistently exceed client expectations in terms of both service levels and campaign outcomes.
Further information:

Press contact
Elisabeth Pester
Global Marketing Manager
Audience Serv GmbH
Tel. +49 30 467 2401-0

Audience Serv strengthens top management and appoints two new Vice Presidents

  • Karsten Eckhardt appointed as VP Data Analysis & Deliverability and Tobias Vogel becomes VP Lead Generation

Berlin, January 21, 2021.

With the appointment of Karsten Eckhardt and Tobias Vogel as Vice President, Audience Serv strengthens its top management at the beginning of 2021. As VP Data Analytics, Karsten Eckhardt is responsible for monitoring business data. In addition, he is in charge of the technical and strategic development and deployment of campaign management and deliverability. Eckhardt wants to optimize data management through close cooperation with Account and Campaign Management, the Lead Engineers, and Deliverability Team. Karsten Eckhardt reports to Carlo Biondo, COO of Audience Serv. With his appointment as VP Lead Generation, Tobias Vogel is now responsible for strategic planning as well as direct and indirect sales activities in the lead generation division. Vogel intends to use his expertise to further strengthen Audience Serv's market position. Tobias Vogel reports to David Pikart, founder and Co-CEO of Audience Serv.

“With Karsten and Tobias joining our top management, we can continue to expand our lead generation solutions and further optimize our data management. Both areas are essential for Audience Serv's market position. Not only have they proven their expertise in recent years, but also their ability to successfully implement short and long-term goals. That is why we see both of them as ideal choice for these positions.” Says David Pikart, founder and Co-CEO of Audience Serv.

Karsten Eckhardt has been working as data scientist for Audience Serv since 2018. In his role, he supports the company with data-driven and analytical processes in order to ensure and further optimize the database quality of the targeting specialist Audience Serv. Eckhardt previously worked as an analyst in the Credit Risk Management Advisory & Innovation department at Commerzbank AG in Frankfurt.

Tobias Vogel has been with Audience Serv since 2019. Since he joined as Head of Lead Generation, he is in charge of the development and management of the online lead generation division. With his conceptual and strategic responsibility, Tobias Vogel develops customer strategies to efficiently exploit sales potential. Prior to that, he was Marketing Executive at WD-40 Company and Sales Marketing Manager at AdSalsa.

About Audience Serv
Audience Serv is an International customer acquisition specialist with offices in Berlin, Munich, Barcelona, Singapore, and Hanoi. Founded in 2008, the company has an experienced and enthusiastic team of more than 90 Audience Experts globally, who are working on developing the perfect method for target group segmentation. Using techniques from machine learning and artificial intelligence, Audience Serv runs highly targeted online campaigns across multiple marketing channels. The company made it their mission to consistently exceed client expectations in terms of both service levels and campaign outcomes.
Further information:

Press contact
Elisabeth Pester
Global Marketing Manager
Audience Serv GmbH
Tel. +49 30 467 2401-0

Audience Serv obtient la 41e place au Deloitte Technology Fast 50

Avec une croissance de 167%, Audience Serv obtient la 41e place du Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Award 2020 en Allemagne.

Berlin, Allemagne, 10 Décembre 2020.

Audience Serv a reçu le Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Award. Les classements sont basés sur le pourcentage de croissance des ventes au cours des quatre dernières années fiscales [2016-2019]. Audience Serv a réalisé une croissance de 167% au cours de cette période. La technologie « LiveSend » développée en interne par Audience Serv y a largement contribué.

LiveSend est une solution innovante d'email marketing qui fonctionne sur le principe de la publicité programmatique. En analysant plus de 100 caractéristiques d'utilisateurs, des messages publicitaires personnalisés sont envoyés en temps réel aux groupes cibles idéals. Cette méthode permet d'obtenir des taux d'ouverture et de clics exceptionnels qui dépassent les résultats d'email marketing classique et augmentent l'efficacité des campagnes.

David Pikart et Daniele Sampaolesi, directeurs généraux d'Audience Serv, estiment le taux de croissance des ventes de 167% au cours des quatre dernières années comme particulièrement prometteur. David Pikart explique, « Nous sommes très fiers qu'Audience Serv soit l'un des lauréats des Technology Fast 50 Awards 2020. Ce prix nous montre que le courage d'innover et de mettre en œuvre de nouvelles idées porte ses fruits. Avec LiveSend, nous avons créé une solution qui optimise l'email marketing classique grâce à des approches s'appuyant sur les données et la programmatique et le rend beaucoup plus efficace. Bien sûr, je voudrais profiter de cette occasion pour remercier notre fantastique équipe et nos clients qui ont rendu ce succès possible. »

« Les lauréats du Deloitte Technology Fast 50 montrent avec leurs produits et services comment les innovations et le succès entrepreneurial peuvent être combinés », explique le Dr Andreas Gentner, associé et responsable de la technologie, des médias et des télécommunications EMEA chez Deloitte. « Je souhaite à nos participants et aux lauréats le meilleur pour leur avenir entrepreneurial. Votre succès est prometteur pour l'Allemagne en tant que site technologique. »

À propos de Deloitte
Deloitte est l'un des principaux fournisseurs mondiaux de services d'audit et d'assurance, de conseil, de conseil financier, de conseil en risques, de fiscalité et de services connexes. Avec 175 ans de travail acharné et d'engagement à faire une réelle différence, Deloitte a grandi en taille et en diversité - environ 312 000 personnes dans 150 pays et territoires, fournissant ces services - mais notre culture commune reste la même. Notre organisation sert quatre des cinq sociétés Fortune Global 500®.

À propos d'Audience Serv
Audience Serv est un spécialiste international de l'acquisition clients avec des bureaux à Berlin, Munich, Barcelone, Singapour et Hanoi. Fondée par David Pikart en 2008, la société dispose d'une équipe expérimentée et enthousiaste de plus de 80 experts dans le monde. En utilisant des techniques d'apprentissage automatique et d'intelligence artificielle, Audience Serv exécute des campagnes en ligne très ciblées via différents leviers marketing. Audience Serv s'est donné pour mission de toujours dépasser les attentes de ses clients en termes de qualité de service et de performance de campagne.
Plus d'information:

Contact de Presse
Elisabeth Pester
Global Marketing Manager
Audience Serv GmbH
Tel. +49 30 467 2401-0

Audience Serv nommé parmi les meilleures agences de marketing direct dans le monde par Clutch

Berlin, Allemagne, 9 Décembre 2020.

Audience Serv a été reconnue comme l'une des meilleures agences de marketing direct par Clutch, la plateforme leader dans la notation et d'avis B2B.

Basée à Washington, DC, a publié son classement annuel des meilleures agences de publicité et de marketing dans le cadre de ses 2020 Global Leaders Awards. Sur la base de clients vérifiés et d’avis en ligne, une équipe dédiée d’analystes a compilé des recherches approfondies afin de présenter 300 entreprises de publicité et de marketing dans le rapport de cette année.

« Nous sommes fiers d’être reconnus en tant qu'entreprise leader de marketing direct par Ce prix est la confirmation de tous nos efforts pour fournir d'excellentes solutions d'email marketing programmatiques qui aident les entreprises à se développer. Notre équipe affine constamment nos techniques et nos méthodes de ciblage afin de dépasser les attentes des clients. Ce prix ainsi que les excellents retours nous encouragent à nous améliorer davantage » Daniele Sampaolesi, co-PDG d'Audience Serv. améliore l'image de marque en mettant en évidence les profils d'entreprise individuels sur son site Web. Les profils entreprise comprennent une description de base, un portefeuille clients et leurs avis. De cette façon, Clutch crée une source fiable et digne de confiance pour les entreprises B2B. Ceci montre l'importance de ce prix pour Audience Serv d'être reconnu comme l'un des meilleurs fournisseurs de services en 2020 !

Si vous recherchez une agence reconnue en marketing direct, contactez nous dès aujourd'hui !

À propos de Clutch
Clutch est la principale plateforme de notation et d'avis pour les fournisseurs de services informatiques, marketing et commerciaux. Chaque mois, plus d'un demi-million d'acheteurs et de vendeurs de services utilisent la plateforme Clutch dont le nombre d'utilisateurs grandit de plus de 50% par an. Clutch a été reconnue par Inc. Magazine comme l'une des 500 entreprises à la croissance la plus rapide aux États-Unis et a été classée parmi les 50 meilleures startups par LinkedIn.

À propos d'Audience Serv
Audience Serv est un spécialiste international de l'acquisition clients avec des bureaux à Berlin, Munich, Barcelone, Singapour et Hanoi. Fondée par David Pikart en 2008, la société dispose d'une équipe expérimentée et enthousiaste de plus de 80 experts dans le monde. En utilisant des techniques d'apprentissage automatique et d'intelligence artificielle, Audience Serv exécute des campagnes en ligne très ciblées via différents leviers marketing. Audience Serv s'est donné pour mission de toujours dépasser les attentes de ses clients en termes de qualité de service et de performance de campagne.
Further information:

Contact de Presse
Elisabeth Pester
Global Marketing Manager
Audience Serv GmbH
Tel. +49 30 467 2401-0

ASX: Reach more than 100 Mio potential clients in just a few clicks

Berlin, November 05th, 2020.

The 'self-booking' email marketing platform ASX brings direct marketing to a new level. From now on, companies can automatically send their campaigns to GDPR-compliant, external databases. With ASX (Audience Serv Exchange), Audience Serv is revolutionizing customer acquisition via email. The highly effective platform makes booking and managing email campaigns easier than ever.

Highly targeted email campaigns in a few simple steps

ASX is an online email marketing platform that enables companies to send their own email campaigns to millions of potential customers in just a few clicks. The user-friendly dashboard helps to set up email advertising campaigns and to offers various segmentation options to reach the right audience. While advertisers have full control over budget, target group, campaign period, etc., the campaigns are automatically optimized. All available user data was collected in compliance with the GDPR and is part of Audience Serv's verified data pool.

“We’ve been helping companies generate leads and new customers for over 12 years. We are pleased to introduce ASX, an automated email marketing tool that will help companies from all industries to optimize their marketing potential and simplify processes.” comments Oliver Schmieder, Vice President DACH at Audience Serv.

The budget under full control

The platform is based on a “bidding model”. Accordingly, campaigns with the same target group compete with each other. The campaign with the highest bid, which is set by the advertiser, wins the send-out. Budgets can be adjusted at any time. In addition, a powerful real-time analysis provides information on campaign performance. This way, users are up to date with important metrics such as opening rate, click rate, revenue, etc.

"ASX enables advertisers to automate email send-outs to external and verified databases and to optimize marketing campaigns at the same time. This way, companies can achieve their acquisition goals in a simple and effective way." Oliver Schmieder continues.

ASX is available now. You can find more information at

About Audience Serv
Audience Serv is an International customer acquisition specialist with offices in Berlin, Munich, Barcelona, Singapore, and Hanoi. Founded in 2008, the company has an experienced and enthusiastic team of more than 80 Audience Experts globally, who are working on developing the perfect method for target group segmentation. Using techniques from machine learning and artificial intelligence, Audience Serv runs highly targeted online campaigns across multiple marketing channels. The company made it their mission to consistently exceed client expectations in terms of both service levels and campaign outcomes.
Further information:

Press contact
Elisabeth Pester
Global Marketing Manager
Audience Serv GmbH
Tel. +49 30 467 2401-0

Tourism Marketing

Berlin, 18. February 2020.

The first three months of each year play a special role in the tourism industry. While new budgets, offers, and discounts are set from November each year, the most important tourism fairs will be held in the first quarter, such as the ITB in March. As the new travel season is starting, many questions may come up for travel providers. How should you create your campaign to reach as many people as possible? What is the right target group? And should you focus on early bird deals or last-minute offers? Don't worry, we have answers to your questions. Keep in mind the following tips to make your next email campaign a success!

Different tourist - different approach

In order to be successful in the travel industry, it is important to define the right target groups for your campaigns. Keep in mind, that every tourist is different. Basically, you can differentiate between four types of travelers:

Relaxation seeking travelers are often pensioners or (young) families, who make e.g. Beach holidays in warm countries or wellness holidays in the cold winter months. Vacation types in this category are often "repeat offenders" who like to go to familiar places or hotels where they have already been. Looking back to positive experiences, the traveler is hoping for another great trip. As a travel provider, you can reach this kind of passenger using artificial intelligence to target the right audience with your email campaign. In doing so, target groups can be formed based on historical location data in order to send e-mails with corresponding discounts for repeated visits to the respective customers. Also, package deals are suitable for this customer group. Young families and pensioners are happy to take the offer of complete packages with all-inclusive deals. This way of traveling avoids unpleasant stress when planning the holiday because accommodation, transport, and food are already arranged in advance.

Active and sports vacationers usually consist of active singles or couples, who enjoy e.g. surfing, hiking or skiing trips. Also, vigorous retirees are interested in active trips. This category also includes the current trend of traveling by caravan/camper, which is also ideal for holidays with dogs or families. Since the travelers in this category are often close to nature, a very visual newsletter is suitable for this target group. Showing pictures of beautiful landscapes or emotional travel videos, travel companies can actively promote their activities and give inspiration to their customers. Since this target group is very active and often on the go, it makes sense to send the newsletter exactly when the email recipient is online. This way you can reach an individual user at the ideal moment, where he or she is open for the information and offers you want to communicate.

The third one is the cultural travel type. This category includes people of all ages, for whom the cultural aspect is paramount. The design of those trips is very diverse - from city trips and language courses to exhibitions to concerts and festivals. So for this target group, it's essential to narrow down exactly who should be reached to make sure your email marketing campaign will be a success. For example, people who like city trips are usually open to last-minute bargains in newsletters, while trips to concerts tend to long-term planning. Also, the tonality of your e-mail needs to be clearly differentiated. Since language trips are usually booked by parents of under-age teenagers, the personalized address has to be more formal than e.g. for festival offers, which are mostly booked by young adults.

Apart from the mentioned ‘leisure’ travel types, there are two more niches within the travel industry, that should be mentioned as well. The business travel industry has been growing for years. Whether employees are traveling for meetings, training or trade fairs - they are most likely interested in centrally located hotels, that offer comfortable rooms including breakfast. As business meetings are often planned in the short-term, this travel type is the perfect target for last-minute offers, whereby employees like to take advantage of given budgets as per company travel policy.

Another specific travel niche is medical tourism. People of this category plan their trips for inpatient and outpatient treatments in advance. Usually, the target group plan to stay at an accommodation near the hospitals, clinics or specialists to avoid unnecessary stress. To make your EMail campaign appealing, it’s worth offering accommodations meeting those criteria. Another advantage is to implement images of clean and calm rooms, which transfer the impression of a perfect place for recovery.

Finally, we come to the last category of travel types: cruise holidays. While the main target group consists mainly of senior citizens, the demand for niche cruises, e.g. Party, hard rock or LGBTQ cruises, is increasing. Due to the many possibilities that a cruise offers, people from this category often get information from the travel agency, but ultimately use cheaper online travel providers to book their vacation. E-mail marketing and newsletters can be used to refer to offers in travel agencies as well as websites, while the online bookings generated afterward can be directly traced back to them through cookie tracking.

Meet the requirements of different vacation types

As described, vacation types can be classified by different goals of travelers. However, it needs to be stated that a clear classification is not possible. Current trends show that many travelers love to combine different elements of all vacation types. For example, it is common to book a relaxing holiday, which includes exciting activities. In order to set up the best online marketing strategy for your email campaigns, you need to create offers that meet the requirements of different customers. That could be e.g. a trip in the motorhome to the most exciting festivals of the coming year or a ski trip that ends the sporty day in a relaxing wellness hotel. This principle can be applied particularly well in the area of cruises, as there are plenty of opportunities on board to offer all kinds of entertainment, sports, and wellness so that all types of holidays can be addressed equally.

“E-mail is an excellent marketing tool for this type of combination trips. E-Mail Strategies are extremely successful thanks to their high personalization options. No matter what vacation type your (potential) clients are, whether they prefer to go to countries they have already been to, or whether they are interested in early bird or last-minute offers - with e-mail campaigns it is possible to reach people with the ideal address.” says Dirk Bellinghausen, email marketing specialist for tourism and key account manager at Audience Serv.

If you have any further questions about email-marketing for the travel industry, please contact us the ITB Berlin 2020. We are there as a partner and sponsor of the eTravel World in the area of digital marketing. You can find us at booth 144C in hall 6.1.

About Audience Serv
Audience Serv is an international audience targeting and performance marketing specialist active in more than 20 countries globally, with offices in Berlin, Munich, Singapore, Hanoi and Barcelona. More than 70 audience experts are currently working on developing segmentation techniques to enable precise audience targeting. Using machine learning and artificial intelligence, the company, founded in 2008, is taking direct marketing to a new level of performance.
Further information:

Press contact
Elisabeth Pester
Global Marketing Manager
Audience Serv GmbH
Tel. +49 30 467 2401-0

Audience Serv acquires Karma Response

  • Strategic expansion of the portfolio

Berlin, 20 March 2019.

Audience Serv, an International Audience Targeting and Performance Marketing Specialist with offices in Berlin, Munich, Singapore and Hanoi, announces today it’s continued international expansion with the acquisition of Karma Response, an e-mail marketing specialist headquartered in Barcelona.

Founded in 2017 by Daniele Sampaolesi and Carlo Biondo Amat, the company operates as an international online publisher and email marketing expert, developing its own innovative approach to automated campaign execution. Both founders will assume management roles within Audience Serv, Sampaolesi as the new Managing Director and Biondo Amat taking on the newly created role of Chief Operating Officer.

Commenting on the acquisition, Daniele Sampaolesi said, "Audience Serv is a strong, well-established and well-managed company. I am delighted with the integration of Karma Response into AudienceServ and to remain on board as Managing Director."

"We are delighted that Karma Response and its employees are now part of the Audience Serv family," said David Pikart, CEO and Founder of Audience Serv. "Karma Response has developed cutting edge proprietary technology that gives our approach to Programmatic E -Mail further strength. The acquisition will allow us to further extend our strong position in the European market while further rounding off our portfolio."

As CEO, David Pikart will continue to focus on the strategic direction and development of Audience Serv globally.

About Audience Serv
Audience Serv is an international audience targeting and performance marketing specialist active in more than 20 countries globally, with offices in Berlin, Munich, Singapore, Hanoi and Barcelona. More than 50 audience experts are currently working on developing segmentation techniques to enable precise audience targeting. Using machine learning and artificial intelligence, the company, founded in 2008, is taking direct marketing to a new level of performance.
Further information:

Press contact
Elisabeth Pester
Global Marketing Manager
Audience Serv GmbH
Tel. +49 30 467 2401-0

Audience Serv names new Vice President Business Development

Singapore, 17 January 2019.

Audience Serv announces that it has appointed Paul Sage as Vice President of its global Business Development operations. In his new role, Paul will drive the global growth of the company, exploring new potential markets and partnerships.

Prior to Audience Serv, Paul was Country Manager for Australia at eGENTIC, a global performance marketing business. In this role he was responsible for Australian operations, the largest market for eGENTIC in the Asia-Pacific region, as well as taking on regional responsibility as Head of Data Partnerships for APAC. With more than five years’ experience at eGENTIC as well as a further ten years publisher experience in Australia and Singapore he has built a strong global network.

“I have great pleasure in welcoming Paul into the Audience Serv family. With his proven track of record working several years in the field of digital & business development I am confident that he will excel his new role as VP Business Development,” says David Pikart, Audience Serv CEO.

“I’m excited to be part of an ambitious and rapidly growing company and I can’t wait to see what we can achieve together“ commented Paul.

About Audience Serv
Audience Serv is an international target group specialist with offices in Berlin, Munich, Singapore and Hanoi. Over 50 audience experts are working on developing the perfect method for target group segmentation in more than 20 countries. Using techniques from machine learning and artificial intelligence, the company, founded in 2008, takes direct marketing to a new level of performance.
Further information:

Press contact
Elisabeth Pester
Global Marketing Manager
Audience Serv GmbH
Tel. +49 30 467 2401-0

Email for you

  • Audience Serv introduces new product LiveSend
  • Programmatic Advertising via email

The idea of approaching a micro selected Target Audience with highly personalized content resulting in high click-rates was more or less a dream in the Digital Marketing world. Audience Serv, the international target group specialist, is introducing a new Email Marketing solution that makes this dream come true.

LiveSend is based on Programmatic Advertising. The email content is created and customized according to the internet behaviour of the user. For example, an user only receives travel advices for Vietnam after he was searching for flights to Vietnam.
This results in high efficiency and no waste circulation, since the message reaches relevant audiences only that qualified themselves. To assure compliance with regulations and laws all send-outs are permission based.

Realtime-Send-Outs that boost your click rates
Through insights of internet users Audience Serv analyses the best timings, when an individual user is online and most likely opening his or her emails. Besides personalized content, the LiveSend algorithm makes use of more than 100 data touchpoints that can be used for content customization and delivering timings of each individual email send-out which boosts Open- and Click-Rates.
LiveSend is the perfect tool for advertisers to reach best performances with highly targeted email campaigns.

LiveSend is available now. Find more information on our website

About Audience Serv
Audience Serv is an international target group specialist with offices in Berlin, Munich, Singapore and Hanoi. More than 55 audience experts are working on developing the perfect method for target group segmentation in 19 countries. Using techniques from machine learning and artificial intelligence, the company, founded in 2008, takes direct marketing to a new level of performance.
Further Information:

Press contact
Elisabeth Pester
Global Marketing Manager
Audience Serv GmbH
Tel. +49 30 467 2401-0

Audience Serv acquires mailcommerce

  • Strategic development of the portfolio
  • Founder Yalcin Cetin becomes Managing Director DACH

Berlin, 10 July 2018.

Audience Serv, an international media agency with offices in Berlin, Munich, Singapore and Hanoi announces the acquisition of mailcommerce GmbH. mailcommerce is one of the leading email marketing companies in Germany. For Audience Serv this means a widening of the portfolio and the continuation of its global expansion.

mailcommerce GmbH is located in Munich and specialised in driving highly targeted email marketing campaigns. In addition to offering clients and agencies a portfolio of over 9 million exclusive permission based email addresses, mailcommerce has wide-ranging access to B2C und B2B email addresses. Furthermore, the company holds insights from over 1.200 newsletter send-outs with details on performance KPIs such as recipient information, opening rates, click rates, target audiences and behavioural information.

Yalcin Cetin (41), founder of mailcommerce GmbH will become Managing Director DACH at Audience Serv. He says: “I am looking forward to taking on this new challenge at Audience Serv. My goal is to establish email marketing as one of the most efficient direct marketing channels in other markets”.

“We are very happy that mailcommerce is now part of our company” says David Pikart CEO and founder of Audience Serv. “Having Yalcin Cetin on board is a big win for Audience Serv. His expertise on working in email marketing for over ten years will help us to expand further”.

About Audience Serv
Audience Serv is an international target group specialist with offices in Berlin, Munich, Singapore and Hanoi. More than 50 audience experts are working on developing the perfect method for target group segmentation in 19 countries. Using techniques from machine learning and artificial intelligence, the company, founded in 2008, takes direct marketing to a new level of performance.
Further information:

Press contact
Elisabeth Pester
Global Marketing Manager
Audience Serv GmbH
Tel. +49 30 467 2401-0

Audience Serv is growing internationally

  • New office in Amsterdam launched
  • Founder Yalcin Cetin becomes Managing Director DACH

Berlin, April 15, 2018. Audience Serv, an international Email Targeting specialist with offices in Berlin, Singapore and Hanoi has recently launched a new one in Amsterdam. Therewith the company continues its international expansion strategy and gets a significant step closer to its European customers.

Taking up a challenge from the Silicon Valley, the capital of the Netherlands has become an international business hub over the last few years and is the best location for Audience Serv to manage its European performance-based campaigns from. The new in the crew: Aldo Tarricone (28). As the International Business Development Manager, he will explore the Italian market focusing primarily on the area of Email Marketing.

“We have achieved a remarkable growth in the recent years and we are happy to let Aldo use his experience to establish our new location as well as to conquer the Email Marketing niche in a well-promising Italian market”, said David Pikart, CEO and founder of Audience Serv.

About Audience Serv
Audience Serv, an international audience targeting specialist with offices in Berlin, Singapore and Hanoi. 50 audience experts in 19 countries are working to develop the perfect method of identifying target audiences. Applying machine learning techniques and artificial intelligence, Audience Serv raises direct marketing to an entirely new level of performance.
More about us:

Press contact
Elisabeth Pester
Global Marketing Manager
Audience Serv GmbH
Tel. +49 30 467 2401-0

Oliver Wilke new VP at Audience Serv

Singapore, 22 March 2018.

Audience Serv, an international email targeting specialist, welcomes Oliver Wilke to its team. The 46-year-old is now Vice President Global Sales of the company in Hanoi and Singapore. Oliver is responsible for the development and implementation of the sales processes as well as for the concerns of the company’s customers. In this position he reports directly to the founder and CEO David Pikart.

Before that, Oliver Wilke spent four years at Syndacast in Bangkok as Head of Sales & Business Development APAC/India. His responsibilities included developing long-term distribution models for the company's data-driven marketing solutions and driving its growth in the global space. From 2012 to 2014 Oliver was Sales Director at, a provider of professional e-marketing campaigns in Hamburg, Germany. There he led the sales team and also developed sales strategies on a national and international level. Other professional stations were Xerox, Quark, Datenlotsen and the email technology provider SmartFocus (formerly Emailvision), where he worked in various positions.

"With Oliver Wilke we have gained an employee who already has extensive experience in sales strategies in professional email targeting,“ says David Pikart, CEO and founder of Audience Serv. "We are delighted that he supports us in our continued global growth with his excellent knowledge."

"I am delighted to take on the challenge of bringing Audience Serv to the next level. My plans include increasing our number of clients globally and extending our portfolio of services in order to satisfy our client’s needs, as well as opening new markets with new marketing channels," says Oliver Wilke.

About Audience Serv
Audience Serv is an international target group specialist with offices in Berlin, Singapore and Hanoi. More than 50 audience experts are working on developing the perfect method for target group segmentation in 19 countries. Using techniques from machine learning and artificial intelligence, the company, founded in 2008, takes direct marketing to a new level of performance.
Further information:

Press contact
Elisabeth Pester
Global Marketing Manager
Audience Serv GmbH
Tel. +49 30 467 2401-0

evania MEDIA becomes Audience Serv

  • Proven competence has a new name
  • 0 Offices
  • 0 Years of experience
  • 0 Target Markets
  • 0 Audience Experts
  • 0 coffees per month

For years, evania MEDIA has served numerous advertisers as a reliable email marketing partner.

In recent years, the company has worked steadily to optimize its products and develop into an international audience targeting specialist.

In order to account for this positive development and set a milestone for the company's future success, it has decided to undergo rebranding.

In the future, Audience Serv will continue to implement email campaigns for its clients in accordance with the philosophy "There is the perfect target audience for every product"